ARKived Pages

Friday 2 October 2015

Dino Dossier - Pachyrhinosaurus

Hey guys! The month-long hiatus is over! Phew, finally done with exams! :D

Brontosaurus AND Elasmosaurus both have Platform Saddles already, while Quetzalcoatlus and its Platform Saddle are right on the horizon! Paraceratherium was also recently added into the game, with survivors being able to build on it using a smaller Platform Saddle, for a slightly lower-level and faster land base as compared to using Brontosaurus!

Anyway, a lot of content has been pushed out in the past month, and while I won't be posting Highlights of past updates and Digests, we will be resuming from here on out!

This little gem was revealed just a bit more than a week ago! A smaller cousin of Triceratops, Pachyrhinosaurus has a bizarre array of horns on its frill, but lacks any for use as defensive weapons. It is not totally defenceless, however, as it possesses the ability to release chemicals to affect the behaviour of surrounding creatures!


Basic Information
Common Name: Pachyrhinosaurus
Species: Pachyrhinosaurus mitisaura
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Evasive

Pachyrhinosaurus mitisaura is a medium-sized herbivore, found almost everywhere but the island's mountains. It is generally calm, and ignores all other nearby creatures unless it is attacked, at which point it usually tries to flee.

Pachyrhinosaurus is an excellent starting mount for anyone new to taming. It is fairly easy to train, can carry enough to be a simple pack animal, and is not as deadly as some of the larger herbivores. Additionally, Pachyrhinosaurus can release its unique chemical on command to protect itself and its rider from nearby predators, or draw attention if desired, making it a potential life saver in a pinch.

Of the island's varied creatures, Pachyrhinosaurus may possess among the most unique survival skills. When threatened, its massive nasal boss releases a chemical into the air that calms other nearby creatures, making them less likely to attack it. Affected creatures are sometimes hungry enough to ignore the effect, and humans seem immune to it. Conversely, it can seemingly invert this phenomenon at will and induce creatures to become more aggressive towards it!


[all information below to be updated once creature has been released]

Since Pachyrhinosaurus does not have much in the area of defence, its first instinct when it gets into a difficult situation is to flee.

However, if it starts taking damage, it is possible that its ability to calm creatures using the chemical it releases could be put to use as it attempts to get predators off its back.

Resources From Harvesting
Survivors will probably be able to harvest Raw Meat, Hide and Keratin from Pachyrhinosaurus corpses, just like the case for its bigger cousin, Triceratops.

Taming Method
As mentioned in the dossier above, taming a Pachyrhinosaurus would be easier for beginners as it doesn't pose as much of a threat as compared to many of the other animals on the island. However, this does mean that survivors would have to chase after it to knock it out.

Alternative non-violent taming methods will probably also be introduced in the future, and can be used to tamed Pachyrhinosaurus.

Pachyrhinosaurus will feed on berries, and some specific foods will be more effective in taming them, such as the planned prime version of berries!

Pachyrhinosaurus would probably be able to harvest Berries, Thatch and Wood, like many other herbivores, and will not be able to harvest resources from rocks or corpses.

Pachyrhinosaurus will be able to act as a pack animal, albeit one for lower-level survivors. While it won't have as large a carrying capacity as compared to larger creatures, it works sufficiently well enough for beginners.

With its unique ability to calm nearby animals, Pachyrhinosaurus is a pacifist's perfect mount. It can also reverse the effect, instead causing nearby creatures to become aggressive. This could possibly come in handy if survivors want to tame an animal that usually flees, easily being able to hit the target while it attempts to attack them, instead of running away.


I'm quite excited to see another ceratopsian in the game! :D

And if you haven't realised yet, Halloween is coming! An event called ARK: Fear Evolved is planned for it, and DodoRex will be making its first appearance in the game! More information about this awesome event will be released as we approach Halloween!

Apart from Quetzalcoatlus, Mosasaurus is also one of the next few creatures hat will be added into the game! This great leviathan will make the oceans an even scarier and more dangerous place than they already are!

Keep on surviving!

-Skyhawk :D

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