ARKived Pages

Thursday 29 October 2015

Dino Dossier - Procoptodon

Hello guys! The marsupial Procoptodon is quite unique as it allows TWO survivors to ride it at once! One will steer it while the other, riding in its pouch, can use weapons at will!


Basic Information
Common Name: Procoptodon
Species: Procoptodon vivencurrus
Time: Pleistocene
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Reactive

Thursday 15 October 2015

Game Update v219

Hi guys! Creature Breeding is finally here!
v219 brought in the first phase of breeding, which covers egg hatching! We are expecting the next phase, mammal pregnancy, to be implemented next week 

The humongous Mosasaurus is also roaming the depths now! It is even larger than Elasmosaurus, and has a Platform Saddle as well!

Survivors can now sit on chairs and benches!

The regular saddle for Quetzalcoatlus has been added!

Crafting costs for Tranq Darts have been reduced, and their Torpidity effect has been boosted!

Damage for both Shotguns have been increased!

This weekend, we are looking forward to Trophy Displays for Alpha Kills and Artifacts, War Drums, and the RP-Cooking System!

-Skyhawk :D

Friday 9 October 2015

ARK Digest #18 Highlights

Hey guys! Some cool news was revealed today, including a preview of the upcoming Halloween event, ARK: Fear Evolved! Spookiness awaits! :D

The event will begin around one week before Halloween! On the island, temperatures will drop, nights will be longer while days will be shorter, and the moon will turn red. Carvable pumpkins will grow, and bats and other spooky creatures will start to appear above-ground, where they usually do not live!

The mythical beast, DodoRex, will also be making its first special appearance, with an army of bloodthirsty zombie Dodos. If you ask me, I think DodoRex might be tameable... ;)

Survivors can also find limited edition Halloween-themed items!

Halloween can't come any earlier!

Thursday 8 October 2015

Game Update v218

Hey guys! v218 was just recently deployed, and with it arrived many long-awaited things!

First off, the great Quetzalcoatlus, behemoth of the skies, is finally here! With it comes the Platform Saddle that survivors can use to build mobile air bases on!

With the new Sniper Rifle, comes two new ammo types, Advanced Sniper Bullets as well as Tranquilliser Darts. This provides more ways for survivors to knock out and hunt animals!

Elevators can now be locked and pin-coded!

The default sail on the Raft can now be removed!

Sarcosuchus is now able to swim in the shallow swamps, making them especially speedy and deadly.

The Holo Scope can be equipped on the Fabricated Pistol!

Megapithecus and Broodmother have been added to SoTF, and they, along with the Dragon, are all tameable!

This is a great update, and I'll be hunting down Quetzalcoatlus as soon as possible!! ;D

-Skyhawk :D

Friday 2 October 2015

Dino Dossier - Pachyrhinosaurus

Hey guys! The month-long hiatus is over! Phew, finally done with exams! :D

Brontosaurus AND Elasmosaurus both have Platform Saddles already, while Quetzalcoatlus and its Platform Saddle are right on the horizon! Paraceratherium was also recently added into the game, with survivors being able to build on it using a smaller Platform Saddle, for a slightly lower-level and faster land base as compared to using Brontosaurus!

Anyway, a lot of content has been pushed out in the past month, and while I won't be posting Highlights of past updates and Digests, we will be resuming from here on out!

This little gem was revealed just a bit more than a week ago! A smaller cousin of Triceratops, Pachyrhinosaurus has a bizarre array of horns on its frill, but lacks any for use as defensive weapons. It is not totally defenceless, however, as it possesses the ability to release chemicals to affect the behaviour of surrounding creatures!


Basic Information
Common Name: Pachyrhinosaurus
Species: Pachyrhinosaurus mitisaura
Time: Late Cretaceous
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Evasive

Thursday 17 September 2015

Quetzalcoatlus Platform Saddle - Confirmed!

Hi guys! Just a quick post because I'm super excited right now! I asked a question for the Digest and it happened to be selected for ARK Digest #16!

Here it is! Yup, that's me, WarDino98! :D

Basically, I asked if Quetzalcoatlus was gonna be getting a Platform Saddle! Even though I posted the Mobile Bases mini-series a while back, which featured Quetzalcoatlus as the flying base option, it was entirely based on rumours (and gut feeling :P). Until now, no official confirmation had been given!

By the way, Brontosaurus has gotten its Platform Saddle, while the one for Elasmosaurus is coming in the next few updates!

Can't wait for Quetzalcoatlus to be released! The devs aim to do so this month, so we are not far from it!

With that, the hiatus resumes...

See you guys soon!

-Skyhawk :D

Tuesday 1 September 2015

One Month Hiatus!

Hey guys! I think it's rather obvious that I haven't been updating very much recently, and this is actually due to the fact that I've been having numerous competitions, and my exams are coming D:

I've decided to officially declare a month-long hiatus, give or take a week! In October, we'll be back, with lots to cover!

Just to cover some news! Just last weekend, we had an ARK Free Weekend, where ARK was free for ALL Steam players for a few days to try out!

During this time, all players on Official Servers had a rare chance to find Mysterious Cubes from loot drops, which would, after 4 hours, reveal a code that would either give a promotional 50%-off ARK, or a totally free copy!

Maybe some of you were lucky enough to find a code, or two! I, however, was not :(
Invite your friends! The more, the merrier, after all!

With that, I will see you guys next month! Thank you guys :)

-Skyhawk :D