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Thursday 6 August 2015

Game Update v193

Hey! v193 has been deployed, and these are the additions and changes it brings!

Survivors will now be able to utilise two sizes (normal and large) of Bear Traps to trap creatures, including other players!

Stone Behemoth Gates have arrived! Players can now build big dino pens without requiring metal!

A more powerful variant of the already dominating Tyrannosaurus has been added! The Alpha Tyrannosaurus is bigger and badder, and has a unique colour scheme! Apart from obtaining a ton of experience points and resources from defeating one, survivors can also get a Trike Bone Helmet Skin from it! This is the Trike counterpart to the earlier Rex Bone Helmet Skin! (I'm so happy!!! How about a Bone Helmet collection?! :O)

While they cannot be tamed now, they boost the stats of all nearby carnivores, wild and tamed, due to its Alpha status! Whether it'll be tameable in the future depends on the community's opinion which the developers want to know; currently, the majority prefers it to be untameable, but a significant part also feel that it should be a per-server option (meaning server admins can decide)!

Tamed creatures previously did not lay eggs when survivors were near because of a bug. That bug has been squashed and egg collecting should now be a lot smoother!

New Tribe Admin options are now available as well! These include the much-wanted Admin-only Access option, which will allow only Admins free access to all PIN-locked doors, while other Tribe members have to enter the code! This option comes together with the new Admin-only Demolish option!
Admins can also demote other Admins, but not the Founder!

The bug where tamed creatures could be killed through a wall or structure has been tackled!

Swimming with aquatic creatures has been polished! Swimming up against the surface of the water no longer results in a hard-stop! :D

The rest of the Dino Damage overlays have been added, along with the option to toggle them on and off!

The amount of resources that Trilobites drop has now been restricted! Previously, survivors, using high damage carnivores, could obtain up to 30 Chitin from a single Trilobite! This number has since been reduced and capped, regardless of an animal's damage. Pearls and Oil are now only rare drops from Trilobites, and they are less common in shallow waters.

Item Transfers at the Obelisks has been disabled till further notice, due to a flaw in the feature allowing players to bring across huge amounts of weapons from servers of low population to decimate higher-pop servers!

Today, another cool invertebrate was revealed! The Dung Beetle is a cool creature which converts poop into Fertiliser and Oil!

Additionally, ARK Digest #13 has JUST been posted! Expect a long Highlights post soon! :)

Go forth and continue conquering the ARK!

-Skyhawk :D

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