ARKived Pages

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Gamescom 2015 Trailer + Upcoming Features

Hi! It's been really hectic these few days, not just for me personally but for ARK as well! The Survival of the Fittest event was a success, and following that, more awesome things have revealed themselves as well!

If anyone noticed, I have actually been following an alternating sequence of Dino Dossier and non-DD posts up till now, but I thought it would be best not to rush out the DD posts, so consider the chain broken!


First up, check out the newly revealed, awesome Gamescom 2015 Trailer! You can watch it right here!

Did you hear that new music track?! Simply amazing, right?! The Snow Biome, as well as the Broodmother in its new home in one of the Boss Arenas, made an appearance in the trailer!


v193 is actually on the brink of being deployed right now! It is a HUGE patch, which we will cover a little later, but for now, there has been a ton of new stuff added to the patch notes, and these features will be coming in the near future!

Survival of the Fittest, which is the upcoming new battle mode, is coming on August 13th!

To address the Platform Saddles again, it is still under development at the moment, but fret not as it will be totally worth the wait! The reason why it is taking a bit longer is because they removed the restriction of only being able to build Sleeping Bags and Turrets on them (which would have been a BIG waste of potential). To have every structure type be compatible with the feature is really many steps above what was originally planned, so it would understandably take a bit more time! However, as mentioned, the wait will be worth it, as mobile bases are going to be awesome!

But, the new features don't stop flowing just because the Platform Saddles are still under development! In fact, there are many more features upcoming in the next few months, and these are some of them!

Both the Swamp and Snow Biomes are coming soon, and they each come with a new Cave as well!

Survivors will soon be able to craft Water Rafts! I suspect these would be built using Wood, and are the first step in a potential line of inorganic water transports!

Gigantopithecus, the largest apes to have ever lived, and are basically giant gorillas, are arriving in the game! They are able to gather Fibre, and can toss their human riders over tall obstacles! The patch notes mentioned that they are 'autonomous Fibre gatherers'. I wonder if autonomous means they will gather it on their own? Their dossier does seem to suggest this...

Modders will soon be getting the opportunity to experiment with driveable vehicles! The developers will be releasing a driveable Dune Buggy modding example. Will there be any officially-released vehicles? I suppose we shall see in time to come...

Human and Dino Warpaint will be arriving as well!

Controllable Ballistas that can be placed on structures as well as Platform Saddles are coming soon! These will bring in new weapons that survivors can use in attacks and hunts!

There will be Primitive Organic Automated Turrets as well. I recall a developer mentioning an anti-air plant turret of sorts. This could probably be one of these organic automated turrets!

Also, powered elevator structures will be dropping in soon! Hooray for lifts!!!

And lastly, though this feature was not added during this recent period of time, I thought it would be cool to give it a mention as well! Items, when dropped, will be getting their own specific 3D appearance in-game, not as boxes! How cool is that?! :D


And that's about it for this long-ish post!

14th August actually marks the 1-month anniversary of this blog, The ARKives: Chronicles! I would like to thank anyone who actually reads my blog! HAHAHA

-Skyhawk :D

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