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Wednesday 29 July 2015

Dino Dossier - Phiomia

Hey! In today's Dino Dossier post, we present Phiomia! This bizarre-looking creature resembles a modern day elephant and one of the more common creatures beginners will encounter!

Fortunately, these are peaceful creatures, and pose no threat to survivors! They are extremely good sources of meat, especially since they are an easy kill, if you can catch them! They run extremely fast, despite their bulk, when attacked.


Basic Information
Common Name: Phiomia
Species: Phiomia ignavus
Time: Late Eocene-Early Oligocene
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Skittish

Phiomia ignavus is yet another herd animal on the island. They are small enough that almost any predator can bring them down, but large enough to provide plenty of meat.

While it is completely possible to ride Phiomia around, it is a meagre choice. They work very well, however, as pack mules. And I've seen some communities keeping a herd of these around as livestock. The Phiomia require protection, though, as they are terrible fighters.

Were it not for the protection of the herd, and their instinct to run from any predator, these would almost certainly be hunted to extinction.

Phiomia's tusks and trunk make it especially suited to scavenging plant life from the ground. It uses its tusks to dig up loose plant life, then uses its stubby trunk to scoop the foliage into its mouth. Adult Phiomia often dig up food for their young, and watching a baby Phiomia attempt to use its trunk can be quite amusing.


Behaviour [to be updated once AI is enhanced]
Phiomia are extremely skittish, and flee extremely quickly if attacked. It makes sense for them, since if they cannot fight, then they must "take flight"!

They are otherwise peaceful creatures that will happily hang around humans and other friendlier animals.

Resources From Harvesting
Phiomia provides an enormous amount of Raw Meat and Hide. This makes it an extremely good source of food throughout the game!

Taming Methods [to be updated once taming system is enhanced]
A Phiomia can be tamed by knocking it unconscious. This can be accomplished by even the most basic method of punching it, as it does not retaliate against its attackers.

However, it escapes very quickly, so a survivor wanting to tame one should be prepared to either keep up with it or trap it somehow.

Food [to be updated once taming system is enhanced]
Phiomia eats all kinds of berries!

It is more effective to feed it Mejoberries and Kibble when it is knocked out and being tamed.

Phiomia are able to break down trees to gather Thatch and Wood, but are very inefficient at doing so.

They cannot gather resources from bushes, rocks or corpses.

An early-game mount, Phiomia can be ridden for short distances. They can possibly act as transports for use within bases!

The largest use for them, in my opinion, would be as livestock. The amount of Raw Meat and Hide a single Phiomia provides is enough to feed a group for days!


I think we should start doing more Dino Dossier posts for mammals...

Also, v190 is here!

-Skyhawk :D

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