ARKived Pages

Friday 31 July 2015

ARK Digest #12 Highlights

Hi guys! ARK Digest #12 is a bit different from normal. Due to the upcoming Survival of the Fittest event, time is tight for the developers and thus the signature Q&A session will be instead pushed back to Sunday/Monday! We will be looking out for that!

Nonetheless, more information was released about the SotF game mode! Basically, contestants will be placed into teams, and each team will compete against the rest to be the last team standing!

The arena is bounded by a large force field which gets smaller as the game goes by. Survivors who leave the force field will simply be killed.

The start of the game is especially "Hunger Games"-ish! Players will start in a lobby where they can talk, then they will be brought to the spawn area which has a loot cache! Players can either make a dash for the loot, or escape into the forest before others can catch up!

My previous question of whether it would be a separate game mode has been answered! It does indeed seem to be a totally separate game mode, unrelated to your survivors on the ARK, where you start as a naked human, and have to gather resources and craft items, as well as tame creatures! All these have been accelerated as compared to the main game mode to fit into the timeframe of about 4.5 hours per match!

And more information has been revealed about the before-mentioned Evolution Events! They will, indeed, take place every 30 minutes, and range from freak weather occurrences and dinosaur stampedes to supply drops and player location reveals!

Do look out for the Q&A post, as I will! This Friday, an egg-related creature will be revealed in the new dossier drop! How eggciting! HAHAHA

Thanks guys!

-Skyhawk :D

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