ARKived Pages

Monday 27 July 2015

Survival of the Fittest!

Hi guys! Just can't get enough of that picture above! It's so cool!!! The amount of detail in the photos ARK posts is just stunning! Still looking at it after five minutes...

Anyway, this awesome photo is the "poster" for the new and upcoming battle mode, Survival of the Fittest! This new mode is very similar to a free-for-all mode, with many cool additional features!

It is in fact meant to be very similar to how the Hunger Games are, with players being brought into an arena and the aim is to be the last man standing!

I wonder how players will get to ride dinosaurs, and whether it will be an arena within the ARK itself, and I still have many questions, but all will be revealed as we get closer to the debut date of 1st August 2015!

On 1st August, 12pm PST, there will be a debut tournament hosted on Twitch, so be sure to check that out! Audience members will even be able to vote on Evolution Events every thirty minutes! These Evolution Events are events like a supply drop, dinosaur attack, or even weather changes, which will spice up the game!

I have read that the arena will slowly get smaller, pushing players together into the middle, forcing them to fight to the death! Also, if the dash for the supply cache at the start of the Hunger Games exhilarates you, you'll be utterly delighted because this is exactly how it will be done in Survival of the Fittest as well!

Can't wait for this!!!

-Skyhawk :D

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